Happy Planting, Oh no Frost


Posted by Ashley | Posted in The Fields | Posted on 13-05-2013

IMG_2242     There sure are many  plants to get in the ground… We did most of this work last weekend, when the weather was so beautiful and warm…. and here is little A on the wagon full of plants, all hardworking Harvest Patch ladies wear pink Tu-tus to plant veggies… There are leeks to the right, Brussels sprouts and kohlrabi behind her…






A shot with a shadow…. we have Romaine, buttercruch, and head lettuces planted here… and a full wagon of cold crops ready to get in the ground…



Many Many rows (John is standing in the end off the rows you can’t see them all in this photo) of Purple, Early, Late, and Market Prize Cabbages getting a little drink of water from John… take note of the beautiful plowed earth in the back of the pictures, all areas waiting to grow beautiful  vegetables for our CSA members