Peach Salsa


Posted by Ashley | Posted in Recipes | Posted on 27-08-2011

The fruit based salsa is a true treat…

  • 6 cups of chopped peaches
  • 1 1/4 cup red/purple onion
  • 3 jalapeno peppers
  • 1 green bell pepper
  • 1 1/4 teaspoon of cumin
  • 1/2 red pepper
  • 1/4 cup cilantro chopped fine
  • 2 tablespoons of honey

the peaches I just give them a little clean off






then splash them     

into a pot of

boiling water

then into

ice cold water

and magic

the skins

come right



   chop up the jalapenos very fine, no one wants to bit into a big chunk of hot pepper in their peach salsa


The put it all together in a pot… and begin to cook that deliciousness down… please savor every minute of the great smell of sweet peaches… and spicy cilantro… and the excitement of getting to eat it when your done…






if you have some extra peaches left… just bag those guys up and toss them in the freezer… peach smoothies in January anyone?






Once the salsa has cooked all down, then add it to jars.. screw the lids on nice and tight and then they need to be processed in a hot bath for 15 minutes… I make a hot bath in a large stock pot filled with boiling water, and lower your jars in .. make sure the water covers the whole jar…







 and there you have it… yummy Peach Salsa… get the dipping chips ready

Super Simple Applesauce


Posted by Ashley | Posted in Recipes | Posted on 27-08-2011

This simple applesauce could not be easier…. feel free to add or change the spices to make it a flavor you will love…

  • you will need:
  • apples… I used only a peck when I made this batch
  • lemon juice
  • and spices… I used cinnamon, all spice, and gram masala

    First you must peal the apples… I solicised the help of my hubby as he 

  is the one who eats most of the applesauce…. Then chop them up into

  little  pieces… I added some lemon juice and water so they do not turn

  brown… All of the water will boil off when you cook them so do not fear

  about adding too much…








  add them to a sauce pan and begin to heat until boil, stir as you go…








    it will all cook down very nicely… I just sort of mush is while it is boiling

    as I perfer it to be a little bit chunky… if you do not love the chunckyness

   then at this point remove it from the heat and run it through a food

  processer to get any lumps out… when most of the water is boiled off I

  then add in the spices… you can taste test to see if you want more, just

 do not burn your tongue…  then remove your jars from their hot water

  bath ….





keep the sacue at a low boil as you scoop it out and

place it into jars… then screw on the lids right away….

process it in a hot bath for 15 minutes if you have pint

jars, or 20 if you have quarts….




…and there we have it finished apple sauce to enjoy all winter long:)

Hot Pepper Relish


Posted by Ashley | Posted in Produce, Recipes | Posted on 27-08-2011

A seasonal favorite… this spicy treat is great with a block of cream cheese, add the Relish on top and heat in the oven until it’s all melted… serve warm with crackers and enjoy….


  • 4 cups of chopped peppers, I use two green bells, 4 hot red bulls, and lots of jalapenos
  • 1 cup of cider vinegar
  • 5 cups of sugar
  • one box of pectin, or 1/3 cup of dutch jell if you buy it in bulk


     Make sure you wear gloves when you cut all the  

     peppers, there is nothing worse then burning hands

     after making the relish…





Allow the peppers to cook down with the vinegar and pectin…. once they have come to a full rolling boil, add in the sugar… then continue to stir until it returns to a full rolling boil, and boil for one minutes then remove from the heat… using a canning funnel and your prepared jars put the relish into the jars and seal….








    After you add the sugar make sure to mix well ….